Can you get 100% of the lyrics to Disco 2000 by Pulp correct?

27 November 2023, 19:52

Jarvis Cocker of Pulp
Jarvis Cocker of Pulp. Picture: Alamy Stock Photo

How well do you know the Britpop classic, over a quarter of a century later?

Disco 2000 is one of Pulp's best-loved songs. Written about the teenage years of Jarvis Cocker, the track was taken from its parent album Different Class and issued as a single on 27th November 1995 - just five years before the excitement and the anticipation of the Millennium celebrations.

The release capped an amazing year of Britpop, but now it's over a quarter of a century old, have you mastered the lyrics to Disco 2000? Even the talky bit from the single version? We'll give you a line and you have to fill in the gaps with the correct words.

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