Mancunian masters of the b-side: New Order, The Smiths and The Stone Roses

The best B-sides by Manchester bands

The Stone Roses, Blur and Nirvana - let's dig into their back catalogue!

10 great underrated and "lost" singles by the biggest artists

Tony Wilson, the mastermind behind Factory Records

19 indie record labels that changed the face of music

Classic albums with great final tracks

10 closings tracks that ended 10 classic albums

Great TV appearances: Queen on Top Of The Pops; The Stone Roses on The Other Side Of Midnight; The Smiths on The Tube; and David Bowie trying to get into the BBC Television Centre in 1964.

The 10 greatest debut TV appearances

The Stone Roses at the time of their debut album: Reni, Mani, Ian Brown and John Squire

Why did the second Stone Roses album take so long to make?

Awkward Interviews: Ian Brown, David Bowie, Morrissey and the Sex Pistols

The most cringeworthy music interviews of all time

John Squire and the cover of The Stone Roses' debut album

John Squire's secret inspiration for The Stone Roses' debut album cover