Are you an expert on The Office?

9 July 2020, 16:27 | Updated: 23 February 2021, 15:12

Ricky Gervais, the man behind David Brent
Ricky Gervais, the man behind David Brent. Picture: Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's hit comedy is nearly 20 years old... but have you watched enough times to ace this quiz?

The Office was launched onto our screens on 9 July 2001.

The hit comedy - starring Ricky Gervais as cringey office manager David Brent - and spawned not only a US version starring Steve Carrell, but a spin-off film in David Brent - Life On The Road.

The series has given us some iconic TV moments, but how well do you think you could remember some of the key moments two decades later?

Take our quiz!

READ MORE: Are Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant & Karl Pilkington still friends?

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