When is Capone released, what's the trailer and who stars alongside Tom Hardy?

18 April 2020, 12:00 | Updated: 18 April 2020, 12:01

Tom Hardy in first Capone trailer

Watch the British actor star in the first official trailer for the film about the gangster boss and find out when it is being released.

The first trailer for the crime drama starring Tom Hardy as Al Capone was released this week, along with tis

Capone (originally titled Fonzo), which is directed by Josh Trank, will see shape-shifter Tom Hardy in one of his best transformations yet as he plays the famous gangster as he suffers with dementia and looks back on his life.

But with cinemas and theatres all closed, when can we expect to see Cape online and what ill it focus on?

Watch the first official trailer for Capone above and find out when the film will be released.

The first official trailer for Tom Hardy in CAPONE is released
The first official trailer for Tom Hardy in CAPONE is released. Picture: YouTube/CAPONE

When will Capone be released and how can you watch it?

Capone will be released on 12 May via VOD with the chance to rent it "on-demand" for 48 hours.

Who stars alongside Tom Hardy in Capone?

Tom Hardy plays the titular character. He's joined by the likes of Linda Cardellini, who plays Mae Capone. Matt Dillon, who plays Johnny, Kyle MacLachlan, who plays Karlock, and Noel Fisher who plays Junior.

READ MORE: Tom Hardy to return to CBeebies Bedtime Stories for one whole week

Tom Hardy reads a bedtime story for CBeebies


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