When a little legend dressed as Begbie from Trainspotting for World Book Day

7 March 2024, 14:11

Robert Carlyle as Begbie in Trainspotting
Robert Carlyle as Begbie in Trainspotting 2. Picture: Entertainment Pictures / Alamy Stock Photo

By Jenny Mensah

Celebrate World Book Day by reminding yourself of the time a Trainspotting fan and his child paid tribute to Irvine Welsh's famous character.

World Book Day 2024 falls on Thursday 7th March this year, which reminds us of the time one legend decided to dress his son up as Begbie from Trainspotting.

Back in 2017 when Joe Heenan's son was told to come to school as a character from Scottish literature, he decided to dress him up as the psychotic and definitely NOT child-friendly character from the much loved book and subsequent Danny Boyle adaptation.

See his son's tribute below:

Only in Scotland!

We're trusting his pride and joy hadn't read any of Irvine Welsh's books yet, or seen the Danny Boyle films, but he's still managed to capture the spirit of the character perfectly. Although, one Twitter user did seem to think he bared a striking resemblance to someone else...

Robert Carlyle would be proud!

In fact, the actor's son was known to dress up as the character himself.

He revealed to Time Out in 2017: "He puts on a false moustache and flicks me the Vs. But we draw the line at swearing."

In 2022, Joe Heenan was caught on the hop for World Book Day. He tweeted: "I had to come up with a quick costume cause I forgot it was World Book Day again. Here he is as John McClane from the novelisation of Die Hard."

"Remarkable boy...."