VIDEO: Danny Dyer Calls David Cameron A "Tw*t" In Brexit Rant

29 June 2018, 12:02 | Updated: 29 June 2018, 12:15

The EastEnders hard man tackled the nation's biggest topic and went in hard on the former Prime Minister.

Danny Dyer had an expletive-filled rant rant on Brexit and called David Cameron a "twat" in the process.

The famous cockney 'ard man and EastEnders actor appeared on Good Evening Britain last night (Thursday 28 June), where he gave his thoughts on several topics including Love Island and England's chances in the World Cup.

But it was when he was asked about the UK leaving the European Union that he got the most animated.

Watch this hilarious clip, courtesy of Good Morning Britain's Twitter.

It isn't the first time actor has caused a stir with his hilarious take on everyday subjects.

Find out what absolutely does his nut in about being a Dad on Channel 4 show, Parenting For Idiots: 
