VIDEO: X-Men Gets Darker Than Ever With Dark Phoenix Trailer

27 September 2018, 18:42 | Updated: 27 September 2018, 19:01

The first look at the next instalment of the X-Men franchise is here.

The first look at X-Men: Dark Phoenix is here, and it gives us a look into the comic's most-loved characters.

Watch the breathtaking trailer above.

The teaser focuses on the origin story of telepath Jean Grey - who is played by Sophie Turner - and sees us delve into the darkness of the Phoenix Force which bonds to her.

Game Of Thrones star is joined in the film by the likes of Jennifer Lawrence, who plays Mystique, James McAvoy, who plays Professor Charles Xavier and Michael Fassbender, who plays a young Magneto.

Dark Phoenix hits UK cinemas on 5 February 2019.


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