Your response to the Big Baz Beer Fund was seriously heartwarming
15 July 2020, 16:58 | Updated: 15 July 2020, 17:37

Chris Moyles' beer fund for Big Baz was epic
One of our our loyal listeners sadly lost one of his jobs this week and Chris and the team thought of a great way to help him. Find out how much money has been donated so far.
This week on The Chris Moyles Show, one of our loyal listeners sent in a text saying he'd lost one of his jobs.
Big Baz, who lives in Scotland, really fancied a pint now that pubs have opened their doors in the country, but unfortunately he just couldn't afford it.
Luckily Chris encouraged him to set the Big Baz Beer Fund page and asked listeners to donate what they could.
What happened next is both heart-warming and epic as we managed to raise much more than a round of drinks! In fact, your generosity gave Big Baz two month's worth of wages! AND COUNTING!
Watch our video to find out how it all went down... before Chris realised he was a Man Utd supporter, that is!
To donate or find out how much has been raised so far, visit
Watch the moment this caller won $2,500 but had no idea who Chris Moyles was:

This caller just won £2500... But he has no idea who Chris is🤣
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